Friday, March 12, 2010

Me: Hopes, Illusions and harsh Reality

A hope and a plan
is what I want,
A map with a goal
and a path.

Today, I am lost
with no sense or
idea of what
I love more.

In Conflict I am,
with a part that
wants to depend,
And the other
that only craves

Confidence and self-belief
Is what I dream about,
so different is Reality
all I can do is Scream.

Actions scare me,
Dreams protect me;
Like a toddler I am
who is forted by
pillows and arms.

Plans with no motivation,
Excuses and illusions are all
that drives me on.
I crave excitement,
actions without fear, and
plans with self-confidence.

A better reality is what I am
praying for,
to be the girl
with the piggytails
and pink frock, in the park,
swinging without a care.

A/N: Hey guys this is the first ever poem i have attempted to write. So, if it has gone off track I apologize. Learning Process!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” -William Shakespeare

Balanced reciprocity is an exchange of gifts between two individuals that creates a connection of debt between them, eg friendship is one such relationship where the exchange of loyalty and trust creates a bond between individuals. Today, I want to converse about this unique and special connection between people, what creates it and what keeps it alive. I have often wondered what makes people connect and become friends even when they have seemingly nothing in common.

According to me, life is like the journey of a river from its source to the point where it finally meets the ocean. When, in the early stages the lonely, single stream, flows over the various obstacles like rocks and debris it is unable to leave an influence of its potential but when that stream is joined by various tributaries, it becomes stronger as those other streams lend their power to the original stream. Similarly, an individual cannot live a fulfilling life without close friends who can support, care and lend their experiences and viewponts to you.

I learn a lot about life from television soaps……even the most melodramatic ones! When stripped off their excess plotlines, these shows leave behind the importance of, base emotions that tie people together. One such show that I recently viewed was a hindi soap called ‘Dharamveer’. It is about two cousins who are inseparable and extremely close friends. They live on one faith and that is that they may be two bodies but have one soul. This interdependence and fierce loyalty is surprising to me as their characters are completely polar opposite to each other- one acts from the heart while the other uses his head, one bases his life on old traditions and rules while the other does everything possible to break them. Then, how can theses two people agree on something long enough to have become friends? If art imitates life, then this question stands for all friends who are so different from each other yet so close.

It’s not just in reel life that we find true friendship but more often than not, such friendship can be seen among people in real life. One of the most legendary friendships in history is the one shared by Prithviraj Chauhan and Sanjham Rai who during the battle against Mahoba saved Prithvi’s life by letting himself bleed, thus attracting the vultures to himself. He died a slow and painful death just to protect his wounded friend, Prithviraj Chauhan.

I have experienced such a connection with one of my friends as well. I knew about her for a whole year before we had any meaningful conversation. She is an outgoing, independent person who accepts and thrives on change and I am as different personality as one can be. It is impossible for me to pinpoint when, where and how we became friends. But what can explain, to a degree, I think, is the question, ‘Why?’. Shankarie maybe extremely different from me but her warmth and amazingly caring nature is what makes her a good listener and a trusting friend (two of the most important qualities to possess to be a good friend). And more importantly, we balance each other and she gets to act like my mom.

I cannot explain what friendship is or how it forms but I can clearly tell that it means the world to every human being. It is what sustains us, giving us comfort and warmth in a world that is generally cruel. Friendship provides a safe haven amongst a community that will more often than not step over you in their path towards their goals. I may not have a theory or some great inspirational line about ‘polar opposite character’ friendships but any and all type friends should be cherished. I read in a book, a long time ago, about how friends are a family, especially in this globalised, fast paced, career minded world. It should be as important a bond to us as our jobs are; they should not be ignored, but worked at to make it stronger.

It is not friendship’s day but for me there are very few days I can think back and recollect. Since I have endeavored to do exactly that today, I wish to thank every Deity above for the amazing friends I have been able to make. In high school, I was saved from the inner politics of cliques because of the great support system I had. The experience in college was different and exciting at the same time. In the last two years I have come into contact with various personalities. Today, I may not be able to see the changes in myself but a few years down the line I might be able to and at that time I will know that the person I have become is because of the influences of these amazing people in my life. With honesty, I can say that the impact of these people on my life has been like a constant flow of waves over the sand on a beach.